ATMI - Atmospheric Impact Simulation
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atmi File Reference

Bash script gathering all the project utilities. Usage: More...

Detailed Description

Bash script gathering all the project utilities. Usage:


In the following table are described all the different options, together with the specific command to use.

Command options
Command Name What it does?
atmi -p [PATH_TO_CONFIG] Plot Extract and plot the PDF for a given variable at a given hour
of a given day of the month (see for more details).
atmi -s [PATH_TO_CONFIG] Sampling Sample an atmospheric realization for the given dates (see for more details).
atmi -a [PATH_TO_CONFIG] Am Generate the am configuration file for the given atmosphere
realization and run am (see for more details).
atmi -t [PATH_TO_CONFIG] Temperature Generate the am configuration file for the given atmosphere
samplings (from file) and run am (see for more
atmi -i [PATH_TO_CONFIG] Instrument Calculate the antenna temperature and do the frequency band
integration (see for more details).
atmi -r [PATH_TO_CONFIG] Run Generate the am configuration file for the atmosphere realizations
in the given data archive and run am (see for more
atmi -d [PATH_TO_CONFIG] Date Generate the am configuration file for the atmosphere realizations
in the given data archive and run am for specific user-defined dates (see for more details).
atmi -f [METHOD] Configuration Display the configuration file format for the given method.
atmi -h Help Display the manual.

The file is located in the main directory of the project. It is possbile to move the file in a different path.


All the different methods (except atmi -f and atmi -h) need a properly written configuration file in order to work. It is possible to display the configuration format with the command:

atmi -f [METHOD]

Here below are listed all the different formats for the configuration file needed by each command, together with the description of each element.

Command configurations
Method Configuration
Plot [1] Datafile: path to the (netCDF) file for the climatic data.
[2] Variable: name of the variable to plot.
[3] Month: month to consider (format MM)
[4] Day: day to consider (format DD).
[5] Hour: hour to consider (format HH).
[6] Latitude: latitude of the location to consider.
[7] Longitude: longitude of the location to consider.
[8] Plot Location: term to plot over the terminal, canvas to plot on an external canvas.
Sampling [1] Datafiles: path to the (netCDF) files for the climatic data, one for each variable.
[2] Variables: name of the variables.
[3] Starting Month: first month for the sampling (format MM)
[4] Starting Day: first day for the sampling (format DD).
[5] Starting Hour: first hour for the sampling (format HH).
[6] Final Month: last month for the sampling (format MM)
[7] Final Day: last day for the sampling (format DD).
[8] Final Hour: last hour for the sampling (format HH).
[9] Latitude: latitude of the location to consider.
[10] Longitude: longitude of the location to consider.
[11] Number of sampling: how many samplings to result in.
[12] Filename: name of the resulting sampling files.
Am [1] Atmospheric Temperature: surface temperature of the atmosphere (in \(\mathrm{K}\)).
[2] Atmospheric Pressure: surface pressure of the atmosphere (in \(\mathrm{Pa}\)).
[3] Atmospheric PWV: precipitable water vapour of the atmosphere (in \(\mathrm{mm}\)).
[4] Month: month to consider (format DD).
[5] Number of Layers: how many parts the atmosphere is divided into.
[6] Starting Frequency: first frequency to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[7] Ending Frequency: last frequency to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[8] Frequency Interval: frequency interval to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[9] Parameters File: path to the file containing the vertical profiles parameters.
[10] Filename: name to give to the resulting file.
Temperature [1] Sampling File: path to the sampling file.
[2] Number of Layers: how many parts the atmosphere is divided into.
[3] Starting Frequency: first frequency to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[4] Ending Frequency: last frequency to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[5] Frequency Interval: frequency interval to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[6] Parameters File: path to the file containing the vertical profiles parameters.
[7] Filename: name to give to the resulting file.
Instrument [1] Spectrum File/s: name of the spectrum file/s to consider (in the directory am/outputs).
[2] Theta Pointing: azimuth angle of the pointing (in \(\mathrm{deg}\)).
[3] Antenna FWHM: FWHM of the instrument (in \(\mathrm{deg}\)).
[4] Starting Frequency: first frequency of the instrument band (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[5] Ending Frequency: last frequency of the instrument band (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
Run [1] Datafiles: path to the (netCDF) files for the climatic data, one for each variable.
[2] Variables: name of the variables.
[3] Starting Year: first year to consider (format YYYY).
[4] Final Year: last year to consider (format YYYY)
[5] Latitude: latitude of the location to consider.
[6] Longitude: longitude of the location to consider.
[7] Number of Layers: how many parts the atmosphere is divided into.
[8] Starting Frequency: first frequency to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[9] Ending Frequency: last frequency to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[10] Frequency Interval: frequency interval to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[11] Parameters File: path to the file containing the vertical profiles parameters.
[12] Filename: name to give to the resulting file.
Date [1] Datafiles: path to the (netCDF) files for the climatic data, one for each variable.
[2] Variables: name of the variables.
[3] Dates File: path to the (csv) file containing the dates to consider.
[4] Latitude: latitude of the location to consider.
[5] Longitude: longitude of the location to consider.
[6] Number of Layers: how many parts the atmosphere is divided into.
[7] Starting Frequency: first frequency to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[8] Ending Frequency: last frequency to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[9] Frequency Interval: frequency interval to consider (in \(\mathrm{GHz}\)).
[10] Parameters File: path to the file containing the vertical profiles parameters.
[11] Filename: name to give to the resulting file.

The number before each configuration parameter is the line number: it's important to respect the order for the command to execute as intended.